Wednesday, July 8, 2009

OAS 10.1.4 Installation Hangs

I was installing OAS today as I needed to use OID for an OAM deployment. I had a brand new linux vm, all of the pre-installation check list items (kernel tuning et al) were complete and all that was left was to install the software. So, I ran the installer. It ran very, very slowly but still ran. It eventually just hung when it got down to actually copying files. There was no failure message in the log file, it just seemed to be paused. The installer appeared to still be running but nothing was happening. Being the glutton for punishment I am, I deleted everything and re-ran the installer and was met with the same result (big surprise).

I scoured metalink, but to no avail so I started poking around though and found a completely obscure line in the /etc/hosts file. The DNS server had the IP address of the new vm right, but the /etc/hosts file contained an Internet addressable IP for the new vm (weird). Anyway, removing that line and trying again corrected the problem. I probably should have checked that first; next time I will.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Introducing Stitcher - OAM Configuration Migration Solution

Many of our readers are aware that we have had the "COREid Migration Service" available for public use for the past three years. This service has been a resounding success with several high profile North American OAM customers relying on it to maintain consistency across their environments. The expression, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." best describes our attitude towards the initial release.

But the time was right for a platform upgrade, some rebranding, and some minor issue fixes.

Stitcher lives at the same address as the original service. If it sounds like something you've been missing, check it out.