Saturday, July 22, 2006

COREid Migration Service Enters Pre-Beta Phase

Nulli Secundus is pleased to announce that our COREid Migration Service has entered a pre-beta (invitation only) phase. We are currently inviting a small group of Nulli customers to begin to use the tool.

The COREid Migration Service is a Nulli hosted web application to which users may upload COREid configuration data in LDIF format. The service processes the data from the source and target environments and returns a single LDIF file suitable for import into the target system. The goal of the Migration Service is to support COREid administrators in duplicating COREid Identity and Access application behavior across separate COREid installations.

The COREid Migration Service will be available at no cost to registered users.

If you would like to be notified upon general release of the service or if you would like to be considered for the pre-beta invitee pool, please send an email stating your interest to mark at nulli dot com.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Create Clean Schema File from AD/AM

Have you ever wanted to get a nice clean schema file containing all of your custom attirbutes and object class entries but exluding the special microsofty attributes from and AD/AM (or AD) instance so that you can archive it off into a source control system or just simply migrate it to another environment? You dread the task becuase you never took the time to automate it so you always edit the file by hand. Well here is a simple regex that you can use to clean up the file after you extract it. The regex as written works in editplus (by far the best editor I have ever used, come on buy it, you know you want to), but can can be easily tweaked to work in other editors, scripts, etc.

Anyway, there are three steps...
  1. Extract your data... here is the ldifde way
    ldifde -f {filename} -s {server} -t {port}
    -d "CN=schema,CN=configuration,CN={adam_guid}"
    -r {custom object searhc filter}
  2. Prune the unwanted attributes
    In the following section it should all be read as a single regex (ignore line breaks). It should be used in a substitution statement where nothing is substituted for the match.
    ::? [^\n]*\n( [^\n]+\n)*
  3. Replace the AD/AM GUID to make it really easy to import into a target environment change the GUID in the file to something easy to type that is not repeated elsewhere in the file.