Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dot Net Parsing Oracle Access Manager XML

This is slightly off topic, and extends well beyond just Oracle Access Manager but was a little less than obvious to me the first time I had to do this in .NET (well, also the second time). If the XML you are trying to process with SelectNodes or SelectSingleNode contains a namespace then you need to associate that namespace with a namespace manager and include it in the SelectNodes or SelectSingleNode statement (see example below).

XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(xml.NameTable);
ns.AddNamespace("default", "");
attrNodes=xml.SelectNodes("/default:ObEventParams/default:ObParamList[@name='WfAttribute']/default:ObParam", ns);

Friday, November 24, 2006

IDXML - There is no profile configured for this kind of user

IDXML can be cool. It can also cause one to question one's future in front of a keyboard.

Take, for example, the error message: "There is no profile configured for this kind of user". This is usually a very helpful message that tips you off that you have a typo in the DN value of the UID parameter.

But if you are getting this message and you are sure that your request looks perfect there can be another simple explanation for the error: your HTTP client might be sending the request to the wrong application.

That's right - if you send a perfect Modify User request to /identity/oblix/apps/objservcenter/bin/objservcenter.cgi instead of /identity/oblix/apps/userservcenter/bin/userservcenter.cgi, you will find that 'There is no profile configured for this kind of user'...

Don't let this happen to you. Life is short.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Creating Custom Style Shared Folder

When creating a custom style for Oracle Access Manager (formerly COREid) the product creates a localized directory for you in the default language, but all of the files in the localized copy point back to the main style sheets in the shared directory. In order to keep the vanilla sheets for style0 (Classic Style) intact it is advisable to create a duplicate shared directory (i.e. newstyle_shared).

In order to let this all hang together, however, one must update all of the references in the new styles localized directory (created by the product as part of the new style function) so that they point to the new shared directory (created by you).

As there are many files to update it is adviseable to use a batch search and replace tool for this task.

On a unix system with perl installed this is a very easy proposition. The following command will suffice...

However, on windows it is a little trickier at the windows shell does not like the *.xsl reference. Therefore, a small change is required to make it work in the windows shell...