One of the key tasks during development and deployment of OAM is running the product browser-based-setup process. It is this process that results in the initial 'oblix branch' being written to the directory service. So, when a customer wants to start again, the question is, "How do I make that setup process happen again?"
There are two browser-based-setup processes:
1) Identity System
This is the process that writes the initial o=oblix branch. To force this process again, locate the file [identity server install]/identity/oblix/config/setup.xml and locate the line indicating the current step - it should have a value of 'done'. Edit this value to 'incomplete' and save the file. Restart the webserver and identity server and navigate in a browser to /identity/oblix and request the Identity System Console. The Setup screen should appear.
Note that you can run this setup process with or without major underlying directory changes. Also note that (depending on what you are changing) you may also need to reconfigure individual software components using each one's command line configuration program (found in some form at .../oblix/tools/[setup|configure]).
2) Policy Manager (Access System)
The setup process for the Access System results in the writing of the obapp=PSC branch of the directory. To force this process find the file [policy manager install]/access/oblix/config/setup.xml and rename the file to something else. Then restart the webserver and navigate a browser to the /access/oblix. Request the Access System Console and you should see the setup button.
As on the identity side, depending on what you are doing, you may need to reconfigure the software components installed using their command line setup utilities.
That should be enough information to get you going in the right direction.
The procedure worked like a charm for me - wanted to change the search base by re-running setup. I wasnt sure if I should update the value of "searchBase" in the setup.xml to "incomplete", or the value of "status". It obviously is "status", cause only that worked for me! I screamed through the rest of the steps, cause setup picks up existing values from the initial setup. Thanks for sharing this.