Monday, March 31, 2014

OAM Identity and AJAX - A 'Light Services' Approach

You just can't turn around without hitting your head on some 'AJAX' these days. And, as it turns out, there are some pretty good reasons (here and here) for it. Assuming that you agree that there are real benefits associated with this new web tactic, lets take some time to look at what we can achieve by applying it to the OAM Identity System.

At Nulli, we've said it before and we'll say it again: There was some seriously good thinking going on at Oblix back in the day. While Microsoft was inventing the XMLHTTPRequest, the folks at Oblix we discussing the bold option of using (the very new) XSLT 1.0 to deliver an HTML user interface derived from the XML output of the Identity Server; a way to bring the directory service to the web in two short hops.

Now, chances are, if you are an Oblix / OAM customer that has made good use of the Identity System, you grimaced as you read 'XSLT'. And, in all fairness, it is true to say that the architectural decisions that Oblix made did have the result of pushing customers into technologies (namely XSL development) that they may not have chosen for themselves.

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