Successful migrations of Oracle Access Manager (formerly COREid) configuration data rely heavily on consistent directory naming of entries between envionments. It is not enough for configuration data objects to share the same user friendly names, they must have the same RDN (Relative Distinguished Name) values in the directory server. This forms the basis of clean migrations. As well, objects must share the same properties. If this setup is performed in advance of using the COREid Migration Service or alternatively, corrected in a pre-existing environment using the COREid Migration Service migrations will run smoothly. The situation described below illustrates how having inconsistent environments can cause problems.
After copying a policy domain or policy to a new environment the resources protected by the policy domain and/or policy are not actually protected there. Checking the resources in the Oracle Access Manager Access Tester reveals that the resources are indeed not protected.
This error highlights a mismatch in host identifier data between the source and target environments. It may look the same (i.e. have the same user friendly description in the UI), however, the distinguished name (DN) that names the object in the directory is probably different.
The short term solution is to add the host identifier for that environment in all of the locations in the policy domain(s) and/or policy(ies) where resources are specified. This will get the policy domain(s) and or policy(ies) working again in the target environment. However, there is still a longer term problem that will affect future migrations of policy domain data.
This long term solution is to use the COREid Migration Service to migrate host identifiers and policy domains from a stable environment (production) to all of the other evironments (i.e. quality, test and dev) and systematically update the host identifier entries with host names specific to the environment. This will make the other environments consistent a prevent this problem from occurring in the future.
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