If you are using the OVD Shadow Joiner feature then you will need to add the vdeShadowObject object class to the directory hosting the shadow objects. Here is a little LDIF file for just such a need...
# Description: contains vdeshadowobject vdeprimaryref for use with shadow joiners
dn: cn=subschemasubentry
changetype: modify
add: attributetypes
attributetypes: ( NAME 'vdeprimaryref' DESC 'This attribute contains an MD5 hash of a primary adapter' EQUALITY 'caseIgnoreMatch' SYNTAX '' X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
dn: cn=catalogs
changetype: modify
add: orclindexedattribute
orclindexedattribute: vdeprimaryref
# ObjectClass Definitions
dn: cn=subschemasubentry
changetype: modify
add: objectclasses
objectclasses: ( NAME 'vdeShadowObject' DESC 'This object is used by VDE Shadow Joiner to store a shadow object to a primary entry in another directory. This objectclass normally used in conjunction with the extensibleObject object class to hold local attributes. vdeprimaryref is a hash of a DN that points to a primary object in an alternate adapter.' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST ( vdeprimaryref ) MAY ( description ) )